الثلاثاء، 16 يونيو 2015

? What if women in Egypt are more economically empowered

Scenario one
In this scenario, traditional measures are taken such as awareness campaigns and flexible work regulations for women:
  1. Women’s participation rate in the private sector increases, where they are hired according to equal opportunities and merit.
  2. Increased women participation in the labor market will positively impact GDP growth.
  3.  Higher share of women in the wage bill will increase family income and improve standards of living.
 The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies - ECES

    Scenario two
    In this scenario, additional innovative policies are applied such as targeted support to women entrepreneurs:
    1. In addition to private sector involvement, more women become self-employed and entrepreneurs.
    2. Women’s participation rate (currently at 23 percent) becomes closer to that of men (72 percent), potentially increasing GDP by around 30 percent.
    3. In addition to an increased share in wage bill, women’s share in profit generation increases, with positive spillovers such as more innovation and creativity, which would help generate more profit for women.

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      الاثنين، 15 يونيو 2015

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      Cosying up to the Russian bear…and to other titans

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       The year-long presidency of President Sisi which began 8 June 2014 has seen aggressive moves on that front.

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      هنا_العاصمة | لقاء مع أحفاد طلعت باشا حرب وحديث عن حياته الشخصية